Monday, November 30, 2015

Welcome back...from all FOUR of us

  Welcome back to our 2015 round of our 25 days!  25 days of events, crafts, charity, and tradition- something our family looks forward to and we hope you enjoy as well.

  If you have followed along previously, you might remember that we were leaving our beloved Kansas City, Missouri for Minnesota due to an incredible career opportunity for Brad.  So this year will bring a different spin with us being in a totally different state and setting.  

  We let you in on our big move last year, but we also had a secret that we were guarding close to our hearts. 


  That's right!  Very early in our 25 days, I discovered that we were expecting.  Something that we have been pretty open about wanting for some time.  And here she is!  We would like to introduce our beautiful little secret, baby Violet.  Named for my grandmother, Constance Violet, Violet definitely adds a spark of spunk and laughter to our home and we are so excited to share more about her throughout the upcoming days.  Rest assured, though she isn't very old, she will be participating in her own way in our celebrations.

"I'm ready for the fun!"

  So: new location, new family member, but same philosophy behind the blog!  Learning about the Christmas season; celebrating big and with so much joy as a family.  

   This year hasn't been all happiness though.  If we're going to be honest, moving has been a bigger adjustment than we anticipated.  Even though we moved back to the state Brad and I were raised in- and where all of our family is- Kansas City is still "home" to us.  It's where we really grew into independent, self-sustaining adults.  It's where we grew our family.  

  Needless to say, it is also hard to go from a culturally rich, diverse, and creative environment like KCMO to the rural, cold north country.  But, we are going to try to make the best of it and find the beauty in our current location!  It may not be culturally diverse but it does have things that KC didn't have- a huge (almost exclusive) Nordic/ Scandinavian population.  So, we will be having a very Norwegian Christmas Season don't-cha-know!  That's right: lutefisk, lefse, and Lutherans.  Get ready and god jul (merry Christmas)!  


  1. Love this! Can't wait to watch all this holiday cheer!

    1. We can't wait to share it! Thanks for checking it out!!
