Wednesday, January 2, 2013

25th Day: Merry Christmas!

  On the 25th day of our 25 Days of Christmas we had one of the most memorable Christmases we have ever had!  The day started early, Tricia woke me up at five wanting to open presents.  I, like any good mom, passed the buck onto Brad saying it was up to him.  So Tricia woke up Brad and he said only if the dishes from Christmas Eve were done.  Tricia did the dishes and woke us up again at five thirty.

  After making our way downstairs we set the ‘Yule Log’ up on the TV and set up the laptop with Skype to Nanno (my dad- it’s Italian for Grandpa and how Marshall will call him).  Marshall was none too happy to be woken up so early after such a late night, but once he saw that we were finally going to let him open presents he perked right up.

  Marshall must have been a very good boy in 2012 because Santa showered him with great presents.  He was so excited and took time with each gift before we would just have to move it along by taking the one he had and giving him a new gift to unwrap.  

  After we were done opening our presents and playing with some of our new stuff we all took a family nap.  When we woke up around noon I started getting Christmas dinner going and we skyped with Brad’s side of the family.  Marshall loved seeing all his Aunts & Uncles, cousins, and of course Grandma & Grandpa Glade.  It’s so nice to be able to see family even though we live miles apart. 

  Some of our gift highlights:  Tricia & me crying from excitement/ surprise over Brad’s gift of tickets to meet the cast & crew of Walking Dead (our favorite show); Marshall cuddling his bear pillow pet and ‘singing to it’; and Brad’s surprise over the Android tablet from Marshall & me.  We were so blessed this holiday season, blessed with all the gifts from family (thanks Nanno, Grandma & Grandpa Glade, Tricia, and Tammie & Joe), and blessed beyond presents.  

  We definitely  made some special memories and new traditions that we will keep in our family for Christmases to come, as well as celebrating old traditions that have a special place in our hearts.  Merry Christmas to everyone!  We hope that everyone had a great holiday season and enjoyed our little blog.  The Dingmans will be back with 25 days next year! 

  And now, Photobomb!

Yule Log going on the TV, Nanno on Skype on the entertainment center and our stockings
(The stockings were to heavy for the stocking hooks)

Opening up the first gifts of Christmas

Marshall got Duplo (the big lego style) blocks from Grandma & Grandpa Glade!

Marshall pulling the movie Brave out of the wrapping paper

Loving his movie

Marshall hiding his movie so mom won't put it in the cabinet with
all his other movies

Marshall excitedly unwrapping a Zootalker figurine

Mom helping Marshall get his camel Zootalker out of the packaging

Marshall holding his camel while unwrapping another Zootalker

It's an alligator Zootalker!

Marshall waiting patiently as mom gets his alligator free of the packaging

Marshall excited over all of his Zootalker figurines
The Zootalker set is visually stimulating to toddlers and teaches animal names and sounds

Marshall opening his 'big ticket' item from Santa

It's the Zootalker Zoo!  Home for all his little animals

Marshall can't wait to set his alligator loose in the zoo

All smiles over his new zoo

Let's open this up now!!

Marshall so excited over his special bear pillow pet from mom & dad

He could not stop cuddling and singing to his new bear friend

Marshall is such a sweet, sensitive little guy

Tricia excited over her redneck wine glass from her stocking
(a ceramic solo cup on a wine glass stem)

Santa's welcome to Missouri

Opening stocking stuffers

Reading Brad's gift envelope

Reading Brad's note

That moment when you realize you get to meet the cast & crew
from the walking dead!

So excited to go see the cast & crew of Walking Dead
(Marshall got scared because he doesn't know the difference between
sad tears and happy/ crazy tears)

Marshall showing off the envelope to Auntie, probably trying to make her cry again

Santa gave Mom & Dad bobbles in their stockings
The water bottle has a built in filter so we can drink water from anywhere

Marshall trying to run away with his zoo

Opening a present from Grandma & Grandpa Glade

It's a football sweatshirt and pants!  Marshall loved them

Marshall helping to clean things up before we go on with opening gifts

Marshall did a great job of taking turns opening presents

Tricia 'ooh-ing' over her new bracelets from Nanno

Marshall taking off his Santa hat

Mom showing off her earrings she was given from Nanno
Marshall running around with his camel Zootalker

Dad & Marshall playing Zootalkers

Marshall motioning 'No you come here' as Tricia beckons him
over to open his present from her

He came over once he realized it was his gift she wanted him to see

It's a toddler's size letter jacket from the Heidi Klum collection!

His special present from Godmother 'Bob-bob'

Marshall's 1st letter jacket!  Such a little stud.

Marshall modeling his jacket for everyone 

Mom loves her gift from Auntie 'Bob-bob'

Dad opening his presents from Grandma & Grandpa Glade

It's a SCSU shirt for this alumni

Marshall's turn to open up another gift from Santa

It's a Kangaroo family of Zootalkers

Mom helping to free more Zootalkers

Marshall opening his laptop up from Nanno

He loves his new laptop

Auntie loving her earrings from Nanno

Being silly with her cheetah print scarf

Mom opening her present from Auntie Bob-bob

Showing Nanno the present from Bob-bob

It's a lantern to start mom's collection

Marshall opening his other gift from Auntie Bob-bob

Auntie Bob-bob gave him a Little People construction site

Marshall playing with his new smart phone from
Grandma & Grandpa Glade

Auntie Bob-bob showing off her new cheetah print bangles

Marshall opening up his Spiderman ball pit from Grandma & Grandpa Glade

Christmas.  Like a boss.

Marshall decided to block dad's camera shot of Auntie opening one of her presents

Marshall's godchild gift (a tradition on Mom's side) to Auntie Bob-bob
a plush cheetah print blanket

Marshall got the 'Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs' movie

Marshall curtseying with his movie
Marshall waiting patiently with his gift as Auntie shows off some more
earrings from Nanno

This one's next guys!

Auntie being silly with her new bejeweled V (for her last name)

Auntie Bob-bob loves her jeweled candle holders from Mom & Dad

Another jeweled candle holder for her room

Silly Auntie trying to smell a DECORATIVE candle

Marshall hanging out with Auntie and watching the Yule Log burn on TV

Marshall got a firetruck from dad & mom

Marshall running away with his firetruck

Mom showing Marshall how to get the sirens on his firetruck to work

Auntie handing Marshall another present while he plays with his firetruck

It's the Cinderella Diamond Edition movie set!
Yes, we gave Marsh Cinderella.  Anytime we were in the stores and he saw Cinderella playing
on the TVs he would get excited over the little mice.  So we got him what he liked.

Mom & Dad gave Marshall a drum!
He loves to drum on anything and everything so we got him a drum
so he can really work on his skills

Marshall playing with an ornament he got from Grandma & Grandpa Glade

Auntie Bob-bob being surprised with her full length mirror from Nanno

What other kind would it be?  Of course it's jeweled!

Auntie Bob-bob excited to not have to go say hello to her mirror in the
store anymore!

Marshall opening his last present from Santa, a Zootalker Train

Marshall got a leopard Zootalker with a book about leopards  

Marshall opening his last present from Dad & Mom
A Little People's Wheely playset!

Marshall checking out his newest playset

Get this out of the box mom!!

Going back to his firetruck

Dad opening his present from Marshall & Mom

So excited over his surprise

Marshall playing with his drums

Our little music man

Christmas aftermath

Marshall hauling around his Little People Construction Site

Part of Christmas Dinner

Dad carving the turkey

Auntie repping the redneck

Mom makes a moist turkey!  Dad lifted up the turkey leg and
all the meat fell off it and into the roasting pan

Merry Christmas!!



  1. Missy, I cannot handle how cute Marshall's pjs are! Seriously, I was giggling at every picture! Glad you guys had a wonderful holiday!

    1. Thanks Nadine, I'm glad you like them!! Hope you had a great holiday as well!
